Books, Reviews, Prints

October 2016 Book Recommendations

John Irving’s, THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP; the intricately intersecting lives of an illegitimate son and his feminist mother.

Joan Fontaine’s, NO BED OF ROSES; the actress’s career and lifelong rivalry with her Oscar-winning sister, Olivia de Havilland.

Tennessee Williams’s, THE NIGHT OF THE IGUANA; a coterie of lonely-hearts are stuck together in a squalid Mexican hotel.

Booth Tarkington’s, THE MAGNIFICENT AMBERSONS;  the 1919 Pulitzer-Prize winning novel shows the decline of a wealthy family–in part from the introduction of paved roads.

John Steinbeck’s, BURNING BRIGHT: A PLAY IN STORY FORM; Unaware of his sterility, Joe Saul’s wife commits adultery so her husband can have his long-desired child.
