Books, Reviews, Prints

November 2020 Book Recommendations

Anzia Yezierska’s HUNGRY HEARTS; immigrant struggle; alienation, loneliness and frustration; stories that caused a sensation in the 1920s.

Oliver Sacks’s GRATITUDE; four essays written by the doctor/author while he was dying.

Brenda Wineapple’s WHITE HEAT: THE FRIENDSHIP OF EMILY DICKINSON & THOMAS WENTWORTH HIGGINSON; a complex biography about the poet and her confidante/editor.

Flora Rheta Schreiber’s SYBIL; a woman with 17 different personalities is re-integrated by her psychiatrist; Sally Field and Joanne Woodward starred in the 1976 film.

Susan Sheehan’s IS THERE NO PLACE ON EARTH FOR ME?; psychotic episodes, uncontrollable symptoms, and casually callous care. Life in a state mental institution for Sylvia Frumkin, a schizophrenic. Winner of the 1983 Pulitzer Prize.

