Books, Reviews, Prints

March 2023 Book Recommendations

Candice Millard’s THE RIVER OF DOUBT: THEODORE ROOSEVELT’S DARKEST JOURNEY; sloppy advice, poor planning, and the wrath of the Amazon nearly kills the former president, during a six-month expedition.

P. Carl’s BECOMING A MAN: THE STORY OF A TRANSITION; tormented by gender conflicts, “Polly” gives way to “Carl”.

Pema Chodron’s WHEN THINGS FALL APART: HEART ADVICE FOR DIFFICULT TIMES; a former American wife and mother turned Buddhist, explains how to turn established patterns of suffering into second nature ease.

Louis Auchincloss’s A VOICE FROM OLD NEW YORK: A MEMOIR OF MY YOUTH; growing up privileged in a fractured family; the author’s final book.
