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David Bruce Smith Featured On Iheart Radio

September 5, 2015

Pat-RulloiHeart Radio host Pat Rullo has a passion for history. The author, radio show host, and health care/insurance industry expert knows that you have to understand the past to understand the future.

Rullo asked David Bruce Smith, founder of the Grateful American™ Foundation to take her back to the creation of his organization, and share what he has learned.

Listen to the podcast to learn:

  • What inspired you to launch the Grateful American™ Foundation?
  • What are your goals for the project?
  • Do you think textbooks, which can be less than riveting, are part of the problem?
  • Adults don’t seem to know much more than kids when tested on their knowledge of American history. Do you think this is really a problem, and if so, why?
  • What are some solutions to getting more kids and adults excited about knowing American history, and re-igniting our passion for the people who founded the country?
  • Through the Grateful American™ TV Show, you have interviewed many of the leaders at the nation’s biggest presidential homes— Mt. Vernon, Monticello, Montpelier, President Lincoln’s Cottage and the Benjamin Franklin House in London. What are some of your favorite things about each location?
  • Who is your favorite president, and why?
  • You also have a deep appreciation for contributions made by the first ladies, and the women who shaped America’s early history. Why is that, and what are some of your favorites stories about these ladies? If you could accomplish one thing with the Grateful American™ Foundation, what would it be?

